Perilous Press is proud to present its first graphic novel release...MYSTERY MEAT, an extreme vision of fast-food body horror from CODY GOODFELLOW (Radiant Dawn, All-MOnster Action, Creepy, Hellboy: Oddest Jobs) and Mike Dubisch (Weirdling, Cryptkid, The Creeps, The People That Melt In The Rain).
Speerburg is a company town founded, wholly owned and run with an iron fist by Speers Meats. Every aspect of its citizens' lives is dominated by the relentless rhythm, the nauseous stench, the endless, industrial cruelty of the slaughterhouse. So it seems like a brand new day at last when the killing floor shuts down and the company switches to a bold new "artificial animal product," known as nuMeat. They eagerly become guinea pigs in this grand new experiment, and soon find that nuMeat is so much more than the most delicious beef ever to come out of a vat...It's a key to unlocking lost and buried dreams, forbidden desires and inhuman ambitions.
But soon, they will discover the unspeakable secret of nuMeat, and the unbearable cost. For even in the new cruelty-free, scientifically controlled, scarcity-free future...YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT.
In four 12-page comic stories, an illustrated prose piece, news articles and bogus ads, Dubisch and Goodfellow plunge us into the harrowing stories of ordinary lives touched and transformed by the nuMeat revolution, providing an intimate window on an apocalypse like no other, a vision of human extinction as American as Type 2 Diabetes.
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